9 Parent Tips for Finding Footwear for Young Athletes
June 5th, 2023
Finding everyday shoes can be challenging, so imagine how hard it can feel to find the right athletic shoes! Luckily, these parent tips for finding footwear for young athletes should help get everyone off on the right foot.
Get the proper shoes for the sport.
First of all, be mindful of the sport and the playing surface. If you are new to a sport such as soccer, for example, you may not think turf shoes or cleats are necessary for your 6-year-old. However, having the proper shoes for the situation really does matter.
Shoes meant for a specific sport may help reduce the risk of injury.
Measure both feet while standing up.
Feet may vary slightly in size. Therefore, it’s a good idea to measure both feet as your child is standing up bearing his or her full weight.
If there is a size difference, pick shoes that fit the larger foot.
Shop for shoes at the end of the day.
Generally, your feet swell during the day and are a bit bigger in the evening after you’ve used them for a full day. This applies to kids too. So, take them shopping for sports shoes at the end of the day when their feet may be at their largest.
Wear the appropriate sport socks.
Here’s one of our parent tips for finding footwear for young athletes that you may not think about until after the fact. But it’s a good idea to have your little athletes put on their athletic socks while measuring and trying on sports shoes.
Lace the shoes properly.
Remember to properly lace the shoes when your child is trying them on. Sometimes, you may need to tighten them or loosen them in certain areas to find the right fit.
Walk in the shoes.
Make sure your child walks in the shoes once they are properly laced. Have your child walk around the store long enough for him or her to notice any discomfort. What’s more, you can check your child’s feet for any red spots or signs of irritation when they take them off.
Check the heels.
The heels of sports shoes should fit snugly to help reduce the risk of blisters.
Allow for wiggle room.
Typically, there should be about a half inch between the largest toe and the end of the shoe. Your children should be able to wiggle all of their toes in the shoes comfortably.
Look for immediate comfort.
Finally, when it comes to parent tips for finding footwear for young athletes, there is one ultimate deciding factor: comfort!
There should be no “breaking them in” period. Sports shoes should feel good right away.
Properly fitting your young athlete from head to toe can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re on a mission to educate and empower parents, coaches and others when it comes to properly fitting sports equipment. Check out our sports fitting guides for additional information about a variety of youth sports. Keep reading our blogs for more industry news and helpful tips.